Workforce Management Explainer

An overview of the Zoom Contact Center add-on, which simplifies forecasting and scheduling, and explains key concepts for both admin and user experiences.
Workforce Management Explainer

Workforce Management Overview

This section provides a brief overview of the Workforce Management product and capabilities.

Workforce Management is a powerful, omnichannel contact center enhancement designed to simplify forecasting and creating optimal schedules


Zoom Workforce Management is a powerful, omnichannel contact center enhancement that simplifies the tasks of forecasting future engagement volume and managing staff schedules. With a range of scheduling tools like Scheduling Groups, Activities, and Shifts, Workforce Management streamlines the scheduling process, reducing the manual labor required to create and adjust schedules, even in dynamic environments.

Workforce Management currently supports forecasting for the voice, video, messaging, and email contact channels


Workforce Management currently supports forecasting for the voice, video, messaging (SMS, social media, etc.), and email contact channels.

Workforce Management forecasts future engagement volume using historical data trends and can account for key metrics in the schedule


When creating a Forecast, Workforce Management utilizes months of historical engagement data to predict future engagement volume. The resulting schedule can then be enhanced by incorporating key metrics, such as service level agreement targets, occupancy rates, average speed of answer, and shrinkage, helping accurately anticipate the staffing levels needed to meet the forecasted demand.

Workforce Management includes a real-time Adherence dashboard for intraday staff management, providing insight to how the schedule is being followed


Workforce Management includes a real-time Adherence dashboard for intraday employee and team management, providing contact center supervisors with live insight into how the schedule is being followed. Data included within the Adherence Dashboard includes:
  • Agent Adherence
  • Ready Status
  • Overall Adherence (Team Level)
  • Sub-Status
  • Agent Name
  • Time In Status
  • In/Out Status
  • Time Out of Adherence
  • Scheduled Activity
  • Daily Agent Adherence Percentage


Workforce Management is currently compatible with Zoom Contact Center, with plans to expand to support additional contact centers over time


Workforce Management is currently exclusively compatible with Zoom Contact Center; however, Zoom plans to expand Workforce Management to support other contact center services over time.

Workforce Management is available globally in Zoom’s U.S. cluster and locally within Zoom’s European-specific cluster


Zoom Workforce Management is globally available to all customers hosted on Zoom’s UnitedStates-based cluster (US01). Alternatively, Workforce Management is also available locally within Europe for customers hosted on Zoom’s European-based cluster (EU01). If you are not sure which cluster is applicable to your account, speak to your account team for more information.

Workforce Management is a part of Zoom’s Workforce Engagement Management Suite


Workforce Management is a component of Zoom's Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) suite, which comprises add-on solutions designed to enhance Zoom Contact Center capabilities. When used in conjunction with Quality Management — another WEM suite product — Zoom Contact Center managers can improve their call center and agent performance. Features of Quality Management include conversation analytics, interaction scorecords, trend analysis, and more. To learn more about the Workforce Engagement Management suite, reach out to your Zoom account team.

Workforce Management Core Concepts

This section discusses core concepts of Zoom Workforce Management. Account and scheduling administrators are recommended to read this section to understand each core concept before using the product or advancing to the next section.

Scheduling Groups are a top-level user group within Workforce Management, and are essential to creating schedules and generating forecasts


Scheduling Groups are a top-level user group within Workforce Management, playing a crucial role in organizing, viewing, and managing users. Scheduling Groups act as the primary filter for sorting and interacting with users throughout the system, and are the key component in creating Schedules, scheduling users in bulk, and generating Forecasts.

Scheduling Groups must have at least one associated contact channel but can also support multiple channels


A contact channel is a communication medium customers use to connect with a contact center. Examples of contact channels include voice (phone), video (video engagement), or messaging (SMS, web chat, and in-app chat like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp).

During the creation of a Scheduling Group, the account or scheduling administrator must specify at least one contact channel to associate with the group, and can add as many contact channels as necessary.

Scheduling Groups are comprised of agents and contact center queues

After a Scheduling Group is created, the account or scheduling administrator can associate two pieces of information with the group: contact center queues and/or agents. Each of these contributes to the function of a scheduling group in important but distinctive ways.
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Managing Agent Schedule Request Changes


If authorized, Workforce Management agents can use the web portal to submit time off and schedule change requests, simplifying schedule management. Workforce Management admins and supervisors can approve and manage these requests from the web portal.

Accessing and Using Workforce Management


Workforce Management utilizes a per-seat license model


Zoom Workforce Management utilizes a per-set license model, each user that requires access to any features must be assigned a license for the product. For example, one supervisor and nine agents would require a total of 10 Workforce Management licenses.

Users must be granted a role-based permission to access and use Workforce Management


In addition to a Workforce Management license, users must have an appropriate user role with their intended role-based permissions to access the application. For example, agents must belong to a user role with the WFM Agent permission. If necessary, an account admin or authorized user can create or edit user roles to grant users access.
Associating a contact center queue is only necessary if the Scheduling Group will be used for forecasting. Additionally, Forecasting does not currently account for skill-based routing, such as languages spoken.

Associating agents with a Scheduling Group streamlines bulk scheduling, Forecast generation, and report filtering within Workforce Management


Agents are assigned to specific Scheduling Groups to streamline scheduling, forecasting, and report filtering. This allows scheduling administrators to efficiently create forecasts and schedules for large user groups and easily access agent-specific data when filtering reports, such as the Adherence dashboard.

A contact center queue and agent can only be associated with one Scheduling Group at a time


When creating Scheduling Groups, scheduling administrators should be aware that each contact center queue and agent can only be associated with one Scheduling Group at a time. Associating a contact center queue or agent with two distinct Scheduling Groups is not supported at this time.

Activities are the various tasks or responsibilities an agent performs throughout their Shift


Within a contact center, an agent’s Shift is often pre-scheduled with varying tasks or responsibilities the agent is accountable to perform throughout the day, such as attending a team meeting, taking a scheduled lunch break, or working a support queue. Within Workforce Management, these various tasks or responsibilities are referred to as Activities, and are the building blocks of an agent’s Shift. Examples of common Activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Phone Queue
  • Lunch Break
  • Chat Queue
  • Short Break
  • Messaging Queue
  • Meeting
  • Meeting
  • Focus Time / Projects

Workforce Management offers six unique Activity Types for scheduling and reporting purposes


An Activity Type defines the productive or non-productive nature of an Activity, and is used to categorize Activities for reporting and scheduling purposes. With six different Activity Types, an agent only contributes towards the staffing needs of their assigned Scheduling Group when they are scheduled for a productive activity type. The six Activity Types are:
  • Productive: used to indicate that an agent is able to contribute to the staffing needs of their associated scheduling group.
  • Time Off: used to schedule an agent as “out of office.”
  • Non-Productive: used to represent scheduled time for job Activities that do not contribute to the staffing needs of their associated scheduling group, like meetings, coaching, etc.
  • Exception: used to account for time an agent spends out of adherence, such as if an agent is unable to complete their scheduled activity due to an IT issue or emergency.
    • Exceptions are not available when building a shift and can only be added to published Schedules on an as-necessary basis.
  • Meal: used to represent non-productive time reserved for meals.
  • Break: used to represent non-productive time reserved for non-meal breaks.


Activities can be created or customized with additional information to suit an environment


Account or scheduling administrators can create or customize Activities specific to their environment and workflows, helping an account ensure they have sufficient Activities for the various tasks an agent may perform throughout their day. Customizable features for Activities include:
  • Name: custom names for customized or new Activities
  • Default Duration: how long an activity is scheduled for by default.
  • Channel(s): which contact center channels are associated with the Activity.
  • Paid status: whether or not the Activity is paid (productive time) or unpaid (meal/break).
  • Adherence: whether or not the Activity is calculated in Adherence reporting.
  • Allow for Editing: whether or not an agent can request to add, change, or delete an Activity within their Schedule.


Fixed-time Activities can be added to user schedules in bulk


After a schedule is generated, Workforce Management admins and supervisors can bulk schedule fixed-time Activities for a specific group of agents at a designated date, time, and duration, streamlining the scheduling of events such as training sessions or team meetings. When this feature is used, Activities are added to the selected agents' schedules regardless of existing Activities; however, in the event of a scheduling conflict or if an Activity is scheduled while a user is not working, alternative time recommendations can be generated and implemented.

Shifts are the pre-scheduled Activities an agent performs throughout a workday or week


Shifts define an agent’s assigned Activities throughout a given workday or workweek. While an Activity refers to a specific task or responsibility at a given time, a Shift is the combination of an agent’s assigned Activities for a given time frame.
For example, an agent may be responsible for working a phone queue and working a chat queue as two separate Activities at two different times; however, a Shift is the formalized plan that defines when these Activities are to be performed throughout a workday or week.

Shifts support fixed and dynamic scheduling models


When creating a Shift, the scheduling administrator can choose between fixed and dynamic Shift models.
With fixed Shift scheduling, users will typically start and end their shifts and breaks at the same time week-to-week. With dynamic Shift scheduling, admins can adjust settings to optimize flexible start, lunch, and break times day-to-day and week-to-week. For example, an agent’s break could be at 1PM Monday one week, but at 2PM Monday the next week, allowing scheduling administrators to align their staffing schedule with a Forecast to meet expected demand.
Alternatively, if a business schedules without a Forecast, this can help stagger breaks and lunches to prevent overlap.
The following image provides an example of a fixed Shift, where each assigned agent has consistent Activities every day at consistent times.
Alternatively, the following image provides an example of a dynamic Shift, where agents may have fluctuating start, break, and lunch periods each day to fit the needs of the Forecast. In the top half of the image, the flex times for each Activity are specified, while the bottom half reflects an example of their placement within the Shift that coincides with the defined flex times.
Dynamic shifts can only use one default Activity at a time.


Shifts support flexible start and end times for each day


Shifts can accommodate both static and flexible start and end times for each day of the week, customizable to meet diverse scheduling needs.
The scheduling administrator, Alice, can create a simple shift that covers 8-5 Monday through Friday. Alternatively, Alice can also create a Shift that covers 8-5 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a 10-7 shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or any other preferred time combination.

An agent can only be assigned to one Shift at a time


When designing Shifts, it is important to note that an agent can only be assigned to one Shift at a time. Consequently, each Shift should be designed comprehensively, ensuring that all agent’s Activities are scheduled for the week.

Each Shift can be assigned to an unlimited number of agents


Although each agent can only be assigned to one Shift, each Shift can be assigned to an unlimited number of agents.
The scheduling administrator, Alice, created a single Shift for 8-5 with three equal parts of Voice, Video, and Messaging queue time. Alice can assign this shift to agents Bob and Maurice, as well as any additional agents needed.
However, if Alice creates a second Shift for 8-5 covering different Activities, she cannot assign Bob and Maurice or any other Shift-assigned agents unless they are removed from their currently assigned Shift.

When designing a Shift, scheduled work hours will display according to each agent’s configured time zone


When designing a Shift, the scheduling administrator should be aware that scheduled work hours will display according to each agent’s configured time zone, and are not static or universal.
The scheduling administrator, Alice, is based in New York (UTC-5) and creates a Shift for 8-5. When Alice assigns an agent to this Shift, the agent will see the Shift's times and duration based on their Zoom account’s configured time zone.
So, if an agent in Los Angeles (UTC-8) is assigned to the 8-5 Shift, they will see the schedule from 8-5 within their local time zone (UTC-8). Similarly, if an agent in New York is assigned to the same Shift, they will see the schedule in their local time zone as well.
In this scenario, both agents are working from 8-5 according to their respective time zones. However, due to the time zone difference between their locations, they will begin working with a three-hour difference. From the perspective of Alice in New York, the Los Angeles-based agent will work from 11-8 based on the time zone-specific display for each agent.

A Schedule is a collection of multiple Scheduling Groups


and their underlying infrastructure/components
A Schedule is a formalized plan that combines the details of selected Scheduling Groups, Activities, Shifts, and agents into a single location, and acts as the authoritative reference for agent scheduling. A Schedule goes beyond an individual Shift by displaying all pre-scheduled Activities for a given timeframe, incorporating information from the relevant Scheduling Group(s) instead of isolating each Shift.
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The following image provides an example of a Schedule, composed of multiple Scheduling Groups, spanning a day. The various color blocks note the various Activities that each agent is responsible for throughout the day. If desired, Scheduling administrators can further refine this view to see the Schedule by individual agents or specific Scheduling Groups.

Each Schedule can be generated for up to four weeks at a time


When creating a Schedule, the scheduling administrator can create a Schedule for up to four weeks at a time. This does not limit how far out in advance a Schedule can be created, but rather the extent of how long each schedule can be defined at a time. In other words, scheduling administrators can schedule more than four weeks out a time by creating back-to-back Schedules.
In the month of December, the scheduling administrator, Alice, can create a Schedule beginning January 1st, extending four weeks until January 28th. To schedule beyond January 28th, Alce must create a separate schedule, which she can do immediately.

A Forecast anticipates the upcoming engagement volume for each selected Scheduling Group and their associated contact center queue(s)


A Forecast anticipates the future engagement volume for one or more selected Scheduling Groups and their associated contact center queue(s). Once a Forecast is generated, it can be applied to a Schedule, and will include the underlying infrastructure of each Scheduling Group, including Shifts, Activities, and Agents, streamlining the scheduling process.

Forecasts project volume in 15-minute increments for each day, and can reference all historical data or a user-defined period of time when forecasting future trends


Workforce Management Forecasts list expected volume for each day in 15-minute increments, and can base projections using either a user-defined period of time or all historical data associated with a contact center queue to anticipate future volume trends.
The scheduling administrator, Alice, created a Forecast for the next four weeks. This Forecast uses historical data to predict daily engagement volume in 15-minute increments. Each day's forecasted volume is based on data from corresponding days in the past, meaning Monday’s Forecast is derived from previous Mondays, and Tuesday’s Forecast from previous Tuesdays. As a result, if the hours between 8AM and 2PM are typically busier on Mondays than on Tuesdays, the Forecast will reflect a higher staffing demand for Monday compared to Tuesday.

New customers can import historical queue interval data via CSV files, with up to 10MB of data in each file


Customers new to Zoom Contact Center and Workforce Management can import historical queue interval data via CSV files, with up to 10MB of data per file, to establish baseline Forecasts. Over time, new data will populate through use of the service to continue creating accurate Forecasts.

Forecasts can account for key performance indicator metrics, like a service level target, average speed of answer, occupancy levels, and shrinkage


Scheduling administrators can create Forecasts that include a variety of key performance indicator metrics, such as a service level target answer rate, average speed of answer, average agent occupancy levels, and unexpected staff shrinkage (i.e., absenteeism). Scheduling administrators can use these metrics in any combination as a part of the forecasting process.

The service level target metric helps estimate the necessary staffing to answer a certain percentage of calls within a specific timeframe


Creating a Forecast with the service level target metric will calculate the necessary level of staffing required to answer an average number of engagements within a specific time frame.
For example, if a company’s service level agreement is to answer 75% of all inbound engagements within 30 seconds, the Forecast will account for necessary staffing within each 15-minute period to meet the expected goal.

The average speed of answer metric helps determine the staffing needed to respond to engagements within a specified timeframe


Creating a Forecast with the average speed of answer metric will calculate the necessary level of staffing required to connect a customer placed in a queue to an agent within the specified number of seconds. This metric is similar to the service level target, but does not specify a precise percentage goal of calls answered within the time frame. Instead, the average speed of answer metric will project staffing required for the total number of expected calls.
For example, if a company aims to maintain an average answer speed of 30 seconds, the Forecast will consider the required staffing to meet that target. However, it's important to note that this metric calculates the mathematical mean of the waiting time. For instance, if one call is answered in 1 second and another call in 60 seconds, the cumulative average speed of answer for both calls is approximately 30 seconds.

The occupancy metric forecasts staffing based on the percentage of an agent’s average engagement time


Creating a Forecast with the occupancy metric will calculate staffing to achieve a specific percentage of time that agents spend handling engagements every hour.
For example, if an agent is involved in a customer engagement for 54 minutes out of an hour, the user’s occupancy level is 90%. Consequently, creating a Forecast with a 90% occupancy rate is likely to result in each agent supporting customers for approximately 54 minutes out of every hour.

The shrinkage metric acts as a staffing buffer, and accounts for non-productive Activities and routinely unavailable or absent agents


Creating a Forecast with the shrinkage metric will increase staffing by a designated percentage to account for agents assigned to non-productive Activities, or those who are unavailable or absent, while still meeting necessary staffing levels.
For example, if a Forecast is expected to require 10 agents, but has a 20% shrinkage rate, 12 agents will be forecasted to account for two potential absences. In the event 20% of agents are absent, minimum staffing levels for the Forecast are still met.

Forecasts include suggested staffing levels to meet projected engagement volumes and defined metrics


After a Forecast is generated, Workforce Management can generate staffing suggestions in 15-minute increments to meet both forecasted call volume and calculated performance metrics.

Forecasts can be edited in specific intervals for fine tuning


When reviewing a Forecast, scheduling administrators can edit the Forecast in each 15-minute interval for fine tuning and coverage.
For example, if a company expects unusually high call volume for an hour, a scheduling administrator can manually increase the expected volume to compensate for the expected change.
The following image provides an example of an edited Forecast where the anticipated call volume is significantly raised to account for a short term increase in call volume within a specific frame of time.

Forecasts can also be edited in bulk to account for anticipated changes not captured by historical data


When editing a Forecast, a scheduling administrator can bulk edit the Forecast to account for anticipated changes that would otherwise not be captured through historical data. For example, if a company is launching a new marketing campaign in an upcoming week and expects a 10% increase in volume, the Forecast can be updated to reflect a 10% increase to ensure adequate staffing.
This bulk editing method allows supervisors to modify volume either by a specific number, such as 10 additional (or fewer) calls every 15 minutes, or by a percentage, such as a 20% increase (or decrease) in calls every 15 minutes.
The following image provides an example of a bulk-edited Forecast with an anticipated 10% increase in volume.

Forecast data can be created in increments of up to four weeks


Similar to Schedules, a scheduling administrator can Forecast data in up to four-week increments.
For example, beginning a Forecast on January 1st will forecast out until January 28th, and a second Forecast can be generated for January 29th, extending out to February 25th.

Reviewing a Schedule with an applied Forecast shows total staffing levels and can be fine-tuned to meet requirements


When reviewing a Schedule with an applied Forecast, scheduling administrators can compare scheduled and required staffing levels to determine if staffing requirements are met.
The Staffing sub-section of a Schedule provides a list of all Scheduling Groups applied to the week’s schedule, compares the Scheduled versus Required staffing, and provides the Net Staffing difference. This table allows a scheduling administrator to quickly determine staffing levels for each 15-minute increment, and can dynamically adjust a user’s scheduled Activities to maintain adequate staffing.

The Adherence dashboard measures real-time agent compliance with a published Schedule


The Adherence dashboard tracks the live agent activity against the published Schedule. If an agent's current status does not align with their scheduled Activity, they are marked as out of adherence, and the agent’s daily adherence score is dynamically updated.
For example, if an agent is scheduled for a Phone Queue Activity between the hours of 8 and 10AM, but goes on an unscheduled break at 9, the agent is marked as out of adherence and their daily adherence percentage is dynamically updated until their status returns to their assigned Activity.

Workforce Management Administration

This section provides an overview of key features and processes within Workforce Management. Processes described within this section are not exhaustive, and are intended to provide a general introduction to the product. Readers are encouraged to reference topics within the Core Concepts section of this document as necessary to assist with comprehension.



Creating a Schedule


Creating a Schedule within Workforce Management can be understood as a three step process: Setup, Planning, and Refinement. Although these steps require additional sub-processes — like creating a Forecast or a Shift — as Scheduling Groups, Activities, and Shifts are developed within Workforce Management, the process is simplified over time due to the existing scheduling infrastructure.



To initiate scheduling in Workforce Management, the first step requires establishing the core scheduling infrastructure supporting the process. This includes creating Scheduling Groups, Activities, and Shifts that will be linked to Agents. Once these infrastructure elements are in place for a specific Scheduling Group, a scheduling administrator can proceed to the planning phase.



The planning phase determines the nature of a Schedule. At product launch, Scheduling administrators have two scheduling methods available:
  • Manual Scheduling: Create and customize a Schedule using Activities and Shifts.
  • Forecasting: A mechanized scheduling solution that uses Activities and Shift information to schedule agents according to forecasted engagement volume, but may require some manual adjustments.
After deciding the scheduling approach, and doing the necessary sub-processes (if applicable), the scheduling administrator can proceed to the refinement phase.



The refinement stage involves fine-tuning a Schedule or Forecast to ensure adequate activity and Shift coverage. For manual scheduling, this entails confirming your scheduled coverage meets your expected demand. For Forecasts, this entails ensuring that there is sufficient net staffing for the anticipated engagement volume.



Creating a Forecast


Forecasts are used to anticipate future contact center engagement volume and maintain sufficient staffing. Although a Forecast depends on the development of additional scheduling infrastructure — like Scheduling Groups — creating a Forecast can be understood in three phases: Initialization, Preview, and Publication.



During the initialization phase of a Forecast, the pre-existing infrastructure, particularly Scheduling Groups, is utilized. If a Scheduling Group is set up with at least one contact center queue and its associated agents, the remaining initial steps involve defining essential aspects of the Forecast. This includes assigning a name, specifying the starting date, setting the duration (up to four weeks), and determining the targeted metrics to be considered.



Following the initialization of a Forecast, the preview stage offers a comprehensive summary of projected call volume and expected staffing requirements. This includes the anticipated volume for each 15-minute interval and the average duration of call handling (i.e., talking + hold time + after-call work). If necessary, scheduling administrators can fine tune or bulk edit the Forecast to account for any anticipated changes in volume that are not otherwise represented through historical data. After confirming the Forecasted volume, scheduling administrators can generate recommended staffing for the Forecast.



After previewing a Forecast’s call volume and staffing requirements, the final step is to finalize and publish the Forecast to the Schedule. This may involve a second pass of fine-tuning staffing levels to ensure sufficient coverage for projected engagement volume. Once staffing levels are confirmed, the forecasted-Schedule is ready for publication.

Intraday Management


The following section outlines intraday agent and schedule management.

Schedule and Activity Management


Throughout a workday, forecasted engagement volumes and actual agent staffing may not always align, requiring call center supervisors to make ad-hoc adjustments to Schedules and Activities. To handle these changes effectively, supervisors can perform intraday management within the Schedule, allowing them to dynamically add, remove, or replace scheduled activities, either in bulk or for individual agents, as needed.
From the published Schedule, supervisors can perform the following actions for Intraday management:
  • Edit Assigned Activity
  • Add Activities to an Individual
  • Edit Activity Duration or Start/End Time
  • Add Activities in Bulk
  • Review Net Staffing



The following sections outline different reports and data available within Workforce Management.

Real-Time Adherence Report


This report was previously discussed in the Overview of this document.

Historical Adherence Report


Similar to the Real-Time Adherence report, the Historical Adherence Report provides a summary of agent adherence performance for a specific timeframe, with up to 30 days in a single report.
When viewing a historical report with multiple days, the report will first display the user’s average adherence for the specified timeframe; however, supervisors can extend the user’s average report and review their adherence for each day.

Schedule Activity Report


The Schedule Activity Report provides a detailed summary of scheduled agent Activities for both past and future dates, visualizing how much time each Activity is allotted each day. Supervisors can filter the report by individual or multiple agents, specific Activities, and Scheduling Groups to help ensure proper staffing and maintain service levels. This report can also be exported into a CSV, facilitating collaboration and thorough examination of work schedules, and enabling better resource management and planning.

Intraday Report


Administrators and supervisors can view an intraday report to compare a Schedule’s Forecast accuracy against a previous or current day’s engagement volume. This empowers supervisors to identify Forecast variances and make dynamic staffing decisions if a day’s engagement volume notably deviates from the Forecast.

Audit Logs


Workforce Management admins and supervisors with sufficient permissions can access the audit log report containing a robust list of actions taken by admins, supervisors, and users within the product. Users with access to the audit logs can filter the logs by date or by specific actions taken. Logs included within the report include:
  • Cancel Agent Schedule Change Request
  • Change First Day of Week
  • Cancel Time Off Request
  • Generate Scheduling
  • Create Activity
  • Inactive Schedule
  • Create Agent Schedule Change Request
  • Publish Schedule
  • Create Forecast
  • Republish Schedule
  • Create Queue
  • Update Activity
  • Create Scheduling Group
  • Update Agent Schedule Change Request Status
  • Create Shift
  • Update Queue
  • Create Time Off Request
  • Update Scheduling Group
  • Delete Activity
  • Update Scheduling Group Agents
  • Delete Forecast
  • Update Scheduling Group Queues
  • Delete Queue
  • Update Shift
  • Delete Scheduling Group
  • Update Shift Agents
  • Delete Shift
  • Update Status Mapping
  • Delete Unpublished Schedule
  • Update Time Off Request Status
  • Duplicate Schedule


Managing Agent Schedule Request Changes


If authorized, Workforce Management agents can use the web portal to submit time off and schedule change requests, simplifying schedule management. Workforce Management admins and supervisors can approve and manage these requests from the web portal.

Accessing and Using Workforce Management


Workforce Management utilizes a per-seat license model


Zoom Workforce Management utilizes a per-set license model, each user that requires access to any features must be assigned a license for the product. For example, one supervisor and nine agents would require a total of 10 Workforce Management licenses.

Users must be granted a role-based permission to access and use Workforce Management


In addition to a Workforce Management license, users must have an appropriate user role with their intended role-based permissions to access the application. For example, agents must belong to a user role with the WFM Agent permission. If necessary, an account admin or authorized user can create or edit user roles to grant users access.

Zoom Recommendation

Due to the varying levels of access within Workforce Management, custom roles are recommended. Caution and attention to detail are recommended when making custom user roles to ensure a continuity of experience and access across the Zoom platform.

Workforce Management provides three separate role-based permissions


Workforce Management provides three role-based permissions for different access levels within the product, and can be applied to a user role in any combination. The three permissions are:
  1. Administrator: Enables users to administer your Zoom Workforce Management account.
  2. Supervisor: Enables users to administer forecasting and scheduling.
  3. Agent: Enables users to be scheduled in Zoom Workforce Management and view assigned schedules.


To update a role with the applicable permissions, perform the following steps:
  1. As a Zoom account owner or admin authorized to edit roles, navigate to the Role Management page on the web portal.
  2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the role you are editing.
  3. Navigate to the Workforce Management subsection and define the role access as desired.
  4. Repeat for any additional roles.




Workforce Management possesses the flexibility to customize the product's settings, allowing businesses to tailor the product to their unique needs and environment. These customizable settings are discussed in the following two sections.

General settings include a default time zone, starting day of the week, and reporting thresholds


Customizable general settings within Workforce Management include:
  • First Day of the Week: The starting day of your scheduling week determines the arrangement of days in a Schedule. For instance, if you set it to Monday, Saturday and Sunday will be grouped at the end of the week. Alternatively, setting it to Sunday will position Sunday at the beginning and Saturday at the end of the week.
  • Schedule Time Threshold: The minimum percentage of time within a specific time interval that an agent must be scheduled for their presence to be counted. For example, if the threshold is set to 60%, an agent must be scheduled for 9 out of 15 minutes within a 15-minute interval to be accounted for.
  • Target Adherence Percentage: The default target adherence percentage ranges used in adherence reporting. For example, if Good adherence ranges from 90-100%, Could be better may range from 80-89%, and Insufficient is anything below 80%.
  • Daily Target Percentage Goal: The daily adherence target used in the Adherence dashboard. For example, if a call center aspires to an overall 90% schedule adherence across all agents for each day, this value should be set to 90%.


Agent Status Mapping settings allow contact center admins and supervisors to customize Activities with multiple statuses and/or sub-statuses for Adherence reporting


Although Activities are the various tasks or responsibilities an agent performs throughout their Shift, Activities require statuses to reflect an agent’s general availability for adherence and reporting purposes. Within Workforce Management, an account admin can customize Activities with multiple statuses and/or sub-statuses through the Agent Status Mapping menu to more accurately reflect an agent’s availability.
For example, an agent scheduled for a Phone Queue activity may demonstrate the statuses Ready and Occupied, signifying that they are ready for work, and are engaged in their work.
Conversely, an agent with the Break Activity may demonstrate the status Not Ready. This can be further refined with sub-statuses that reflect additional information, such as Meal, Forced, Coffee, or After call to provide additional details about their status.

Agent Requests


Within the Agent Requests preferences tab, account admins or supervisors can define default criteria and settings for agent-initiated requests like a schedule change or out-of-office request. Within this menu, the following settings are editable:
Out-of-Office Requests
  • Default Daily Duration
  • Partial-Day Request Enablement
  • Minimum Time-Off Duration
  • Default Increment Selection


  • Allow agents to view other agents schedules
  • Schedule Activity View
    • Simple - Displays scheduled time without Activity details
    • Detailed - Displays scheduled time with Activity details


Schedule Change Requests
  • Allow agents to request changes to their schedule
  • Default increment selection
  • Editable Activities by agent
    • Add / Change / Delete Activity




Within the Notifications tab, Workforce Management admins and supervisors can set up notification delivery method preferences within the product, such as delivering notifications directly to a user’s Activity Center within the Zoom Workplace app or through email. Within this menu, the following settings are editable:
Notification Type
Dynamic Schedule Generated
Admin, Supervisor
Forecast Generated
Admin, Supervisor
Dynamic Schedule Generated
Out of Office Request Updated
Schedule Activity Upcoming
Schedule Activity Updated
Schedule Change Request Submitted

Workforce Management Agent Experience

This section provides a brief overview of the agent experience within Workforce Management.

Viewing the Schedule


From the web portal, Workforce Management agents can view their published schedules, including their scheduled Activities for the duration of their shifts. If authorized, agents can also use this screen to view the schedules of other agents within the same Scheduling Group.

Schedule Change Requests

If authorized, agents can request to add, change, or delete their scheduled Activity or an Activity’s start/end time from their Schedule. This grants agents flexibility to request ad-hoc changes to their schedule in the event of unforeseen circumstances or to move a break to a different time. If approved by a supervisor, this will automatically apply the modified Activity to the user’s schedule.
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Out-of-Office Requests

Similar to Schedule Change Requests, agents can use their Workforce Management web portal to request time off. If approved by a supervisor, this will automatically apply the relevant out-of-office Activity to the user’s schedule.
engagement and sentiment score


Zoom Workforce Management enhances contact center operations by streamlining engagement forecasting, optimizing staff schedules, and simplifying agent management.
Utilizing historical data and key performance metrics, Workforce Management can generate accurate forecasts and staffing schedules that match expected demand. With dynamic shift scheduling methods, real-time Adherence monitoring, and comprehensive reporting, supervisors are equipped to make informed staffing decisions and maintain high service levels.
By implementing Zoom Workforce Management, contact centers are enabled to reduce manual scheduling efforts, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure customer engagement is handled by sufficiently-staffed teams. This complementary solution not only anticipates future needs but also provides tools for real-time adjustments, making it an invaluable asset for any customer aiming to optimize its workforce and deliver exceptional service.