AI Companion 会议和聊天 电话系统 会议室和工作区 Zoom Workplace AI

许可费之外:为员工提供 AI 驱动的协作平台的总成本

6 阅读分钟数

更新日期 February 09, 2024

发布日期 December 04, 2023


无论您是大型企业,要购买公司每位员工都要使用的核心业务应用程序,还是小型企业所有者,要为办公室购买一套电话,大多数 IT 购买决策都取决于两个主要因素:成本和价值。



事实是,IT 投资很难进行量化,而且这种情况不仅仅是出现在预算紧张和经济环境不稳定的时候。即使在业务运作良好时,您的领导也希望看到您引进的工具和技术发挥其价值,如果是员工每天都在使用的工具和技术,比如通信和协作平台,情况尤为如此。评估总体拥有成本 (TCO) 有助于创建一个良好的业务案例,并评估潜在投资的成本效益和价值。

计算总体拥有成本 (TCO)


同样,对于 IT 投资而言,TCO 包括前期成本和后期成本。您可以将其细分为三个基于时间的部分:

  • 第 0 天通常是与许可相关的费用,即报价单上的费用以及直接支付给供应商的费用。这些成本可以在材料清单、报价单或发票上找到。
  • 第 1 天涉及让用户使用解决方案的一次性成本。例如,部署和实施成本以及员工培训成本。
  • 第 2+ 天涉及管理、支持和维护解决方案的持续成本 - 维持正常运行。

比较 TCO:Zoom 平台的优势如何?

Let’s compare the Zoom platform to Microsoft with this Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2+ TCO equation, using a hypothetical scenario.

In this scenario, you’re working for an enterprise with 1,000 geographically distributed employees. You have a handful of physical offices with 20 conference rooms and 40 common area phones, and let’s also assume that you already have a Microsoft Office 365 E3 ELA package in place for all workers. 

You’re looking for a solution that will enable you to provide all workers with access to AI capabilities. You also want to create more connected, collaborative offices for your hybrid workforce by enabling your conference rooms with video conferencing and bringing cloud telephony to your common area phones.

Day 0 cost comparison

With Microsoft, you would incur additional costs for add-ons or third-party vendors to get access to certain features. For example, you may have to add discrete add-on licenses to the Microsoft E3 ELA, such as Teams Premium add-ons to get live translation and meeting summaries for meetings. You would also have to purchase Copilot licenses to enable employees with AI, and Teams Phone with calling plan and shared device add-ons to enable telephony across the organization. 

Additionally, some capabilities such as SMS or cloud video interop aren’t offered natively by Microsoft and would require a separate third-party license. With Zoom, keep your Office 365 E3 ELA package in place and add a Zoom Workplace Enterprise Premier plan that includes AI capabilities, cloud telephony, and video-enabled collaboration spaces, among other features, all at a lower Day 0 cost to you.
Day 0 cost

Day 1 cost comparison

Next, let’s look at Day 1-associated costs like implementation and training. Often when implementing a new solution, you need to pay an external vendor or leverage internal resources to configure the system, train your IT team and employees, and deploy the solution, all of which add to your total cost. Cutting down on the time and resources spent on these tasks can help lower your TCO — which is why an easy-to-use, intuitive platform is so important.

2023 Metrigy TCO study commissioned by Zoom found that 86% of new Zoom users were up and running in less than 30 minutes, compared to the average of 72% among other vendors. Moreover, 54% of new Zoom users needed no training, compared to 41% of Microsoft Teams users. Zoom’s ease of use was the most cited reason for not needing training, according to the Metrigy report.

Day 2+ cost comparison

Finally, don’t forget to consider your Day 2+ maintenance and operating costs. These are the ongoing, and often “hidden” costs of maintaining and supporting a solution. When your solution is easy for employees to use as well as simple for IT admins to maintain and manage users, it can help reduce your overall costs.

Metrigy demonstrated that Zoom’s ease of administration can drive savings — our platform required 15% fewer full-time IT employees to manage the same number of users as other vendors evaluated in the study.

一体化 AI 驱动协作解决方案

评估 IT 投资的成本可能较为复杂,但值得关注的不仅仅是许可证的前期价格。根据您的业务需求,实际上在现有许可证上添加 AI 功能和其他协作功能可能会更加昂贵,而从长远来看,维护一个复杂系统可能会增加更多成本。

如果您想降低 TCO,请查看 Zoom Workplace - 它捆绑了适用于大型和小型企业的基本工具,包括 Zoom AI Companion 的生成式人工智能功能。通过由人工智能驱动的会议摘要、由人工智能辅助起草的电子邮件和团队聊天消息等,您可以使员工更好地协作并提高工作效率。这一切都包含在分配给 Zoom 用户账户的付费服务中,无需支付额外费用。*

准备好了解 Zoom 如何帮助您的组织降低 TCO 了吗?请申请演示,了解我们一体化平台的实际应用。

*注:AI Companion 不一定适用于所有地区或垂直行业。

编者注:本博客最初发布于 2023 年 12 月,于 2024 年 2 月更新,包含了最新的定价计划信息。



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