
Introducing the Zoom Developer Platform

Updated on June 27, 2018

Published on February 28, 2017

Introducing The Zoom Developer Platform
Over the last few years, Zoom has built a mobile-first, scalable, real-time collaboration platform that is easy to use and delivers seamless video in challenging environments. We were approached by our clients and customers, from large enterprises to individual developers, across market verticals who want to customize our collaboration solution to their own needs and integrate Zoom into their existing workflows. With that in mind, we launched the Zoom Developer Platform in January 2017. We introduced SDKs for Windows, MAC, and MobileRTC™ stacks for iOS and Android platforms. We also offer a rich set of REST APIs.

Rest API

We offer developers control over their application using our REST APIs. These APIs can be used to access a variety of Zoom services including meetings, webinars, and recordings. These APIs also allow third-party web applications to manage users, groups, billing, live and historical reports, and more.  We also offer our developers an API playground (must be signed-in), where they can test API calls and view responses in JSON or XML format, allowing flexible development.

SDK and MobileRTC™

Our SDKs and MobileRTC stacks let developers integrate Zoom’s core engine into their mobile or desktop application and customize the meeting experience. The SDK provides all of the Zoom client controls. We also offer a robust security framework for our APIs and SDKs. In order to use REST APIs, you need an API key pair, which is available for all account admins or to users authorized by the admins. As a precaution, the API key pair can be regenerated any time in our developer platform portal. The SDKs require an API key pair, which can also be found and generated in the developer platform portal.

Telehealth APIs

We have launched telehealth APIs, which enable any third-party healthcare application to launch providers and patients into a seamless telehealth video session. Our platform enables HIPAA compliance and our URLs can be launched from any EHR platforms including Epic.

Bot Framework

We have recently launched our bot framework. Zoom Bot allows your applications to receive and post messages to Zoom IM conversations. For instance, your application can send reminders to Bot that a meeting is coming up or receive an actionable trigger from the bot to process. The Bot enables you to setup automatic two-way conversations. Check out our sample add-ons in your messaging add-ons page and keep an eye out for sample applications we’re working on which will be added to the downloads section on the developer platform. We’ll build our samples around popular use cases but that doesn’t have to be it; we’re leaving the opportunity to experiment and create open to all our developers. We are also working on a Javascript library to provide real-time meeting controls through your web application and allow embedding html5 screen sharing in your web application.

What’s Next

Our mission to help developers build and leverage seamless and effective conferencing does not end here. We are continuously working to improve functionality, build new features, and release updates to our existing framework based on user and developer feedback. For all your developer queries, requests, and suggestions, please head over to our developer community and create a post. We’ll support you in a prompt and effective way - we promise!

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