Integrations Rooms & Workspaces Customer Stories

How Atlassian Uses Zoom to Improve Global Communication & Deliver Personalized Customer Support 

4 min read

Updated on June 21, 2022

Published on October 30, 2019

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With over 3,000 employees, 130,000 customers, and millions of users worldwide, Atlassian went from small startup to Australia’s largest enterprise software company in less than two decades. Founded in 2002 by Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, who were both students at the University of New South Wales at the time, Sydney-based Atlassian has established itself as an industry leader by developing groundbreaking products for software development, project management, and content management. 

Atlassian’s rapid growth has led to the launch of nine offices across six countries, including the United States, the Netherlands, Japan, India, and the Philippines. And with internationally successful products like issue tracking application Jira, Atlassian requires seamless, intuitive, and reliable communication to promote an agile, synergistic global team and drive success.

The push for communications standardization

Before using Zoom, Atlassian was leveraging a range of communications solutions to maintain communications between its global offices and provide services to IT teams around the world. Atlassian has a video-first culture that heavily leverages the technology to communicate and disseminate information, and using a wide range of tools made it difficult to know which tool to use in different situations. By switching to Zoom, the teams at Atlassian were able to use one solution for video conferencing and webinars and create consistency in their communications.

“We were previously using a number of different bridges, a number of different endpoint technologies,” said Harvey Jones, the Workplace Collaboration Lead at Atlassian. “We’ve now standardized on Zoom for both meetings and webinars.” 

The switch to Zoom has helped the teams at Atlassian collaborate with greater efficiency and effectiveness, especially with Zoom Rooms. With useful features like live annotation and screen share, employees at Atlassian were able to get more out of their communications experience and drive productivity. 

“A lot of our projects right now are in the design and development phase,” said Rick Wong, Campus Development Lead at Atlassian’s Sydney office. “So we are always ideating over drawings we put on the touchscreen. Someone at our end will mark up an area of the drawing that might need to be changed or shifted. We really love the Zoom touch screen.” 

The teams at Atlassian were also able to use Zoom to improve their delivery of customer service and support. With Zoom’s screen share feature, Atlassian’s support teams were able to guide customers through the troubleshooting process and help them reach effective solutions much faster. 

“A lot of our customers are globally dispersed IT teams,” said Tania Clarke, a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Atlassian. “To be able to walk someone through share screens and troubleshoot really quickly in a matter of minutes, rather than going back and forth on email, is hugely beneficial to them.” 

'Zoom makes communication so accessible'

Because Atlassian is spread across nine offices in six countries, many employees were unable to attend important meetings based on their geographic location and timezone. However, with the ability to record and transcribe meetings, the teams at Atlassian were able to more effectively keep teammates up to speed. 

“Our staff loves the recording and transcription features because we are quite geologically dispersed,” Jones said. “It’s been very handy to be able to record meetings and share them with people outside our time zone.”

Atlassian’s implementation of Zoom has been well-received by its employees. With an intuitive interface and useful features, employees have been able to use Zoom to improve communication, forge new customer relationships, and drive productivity. 

“I love Zoom because it makes communication so accessible,” Clarke noted. “I never have to leave the environment that I’m already working in. You just can’t beat face-to-face communication. It’s critical for our customers.” 

A trusted customer and partner

Atlassian has not only integrated Zoom into its workflow, it’s also partnered with Zoom to bring Zoom into core Atlassian products for its customers. Zoom formed a strategic partnership with Atlassian in 2018 and since then has grown the scope of integrations to better enable IT, DevOps, engineering, support, and product management. The Zoom and Atlassian Jira Service Desk integrated workflow, for instance, allows a user of both services to start a Zoom meeting right from a Jira ticket. In the DevOps world, Zoom with Atlassian’s Opsgenie app helps deliver faster incident resolution by enabling teams to collaborate and communicate more efficiently within the Opsgenie platform.

David Sopkin is the IT administrator at ThoughtSpot, a company that produces business intelligence and big data analytics software. He said at Zoomtopia 2019 that his organization loves the agile support environment enabled by Zoom and Atlassian.

“Zoom is already fast to create a meeting, but within the Jira Service Desk, it makes meetings and helping even easier,” Sopkin said.

Watch the video

To learn more about how Zoom delivers the video-first culture that Atlassian strives for, watch the full video case study:


Or schedule a personalized Zoom demo with a product specialist today!

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