Education Rooms & Workspaces

3 Hardware Solutions to Upgrade the Online Learning Experience

Schools around the world in recent months have been thrust into online learning. Here are the best hardware options to upgrade the learning experience.
2 min read

Updated on September 22, 2022

Published on June 12, 2020

Teacher at whiteboard

Schools around the world in recent months have been thrust into remote learning and teaching classes online. With the possibility of extended remote learning and hybrid learning scenarios, schools are continuing to adapt to improve the experience for students and staff. Teachers, professors, and administrators using Zoom for remote and online education can continue to use the ever-expanding capabilities and features of the Zoom platform, and they can also incorporate hardware options that can vastly enhance the teaching and learning experience for everyone.  Here are three types of hardware solutions, all of which are already part of the physical classroom, that can upgrade the remote and virtual learning experience.


Webcams can make a big difference compared with the standard built-in cameras on a laptop. A dedicated webcam provides some flexibility for presenters to stand up while being seen, and it’s definitely easier than trying to move your laptop. Additional features include higher resolution and low-light correction to help presenters shine in less-than-optimal lighting conditions.  Document cameras are great for projecting clear visuals of textbooks or other physical objects, much like a projector would. A document camera can even double as a webcam. Here’s a great video on how to use document cams in a Zoom Meeting.


Teaching is an interactive experience, and it’s important for students to hear the teacher and for the teacher to clearly hear their students. A good headset with noise cancellation and an advanced microphone should help do the trick. Here are some of our recommended headset brands. Woman using a laptop

Whiteboarding solutions

Zoom natively provides teachers with annotation and whiteboard capabilities. If you prefer the traditional pen-to-paper experience, you can seamlessly annotate on top of an iPad with an Apple Pencil. It’s a nice alternative to using a mouse or trackpad.

If you prefer a physical whiteboard, the Kaptivo camera mounts onto a traditional whiteboard and projects the content right into your Zoom class. Kaptivo’s guide to whiteboarding from home offers some great tips for optimizing the experience. 

If you want to go big on the home whiteboard, consider the 55-inch DTEN D7. The all-in-one video conferencing and touch display built for Zoom Rooms doubles as a large, interactive whiteboard. For more best practices for using Zoom for online education, check out our Educating Over Zoom webpage. To see a list of recommended devices and solutions for every space and use case, visit our Zoom Hardware Overview webpage.

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