Zoom Clients - Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security

  • ZSB-23031
  • CVE-2023-36535
  • High
  • 7.1
  • CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:L

Client-side enforcement of server-side security in Zoom clients before version 5.14.10 may allow an authenticated user to enable information disclosure via network access.


Users can help keep themselves secure by applying current updates or downloading the latest Zoom software with all current security updates from https://zoom.us/download

  • Zoom Clients for Windows before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Desktop Client for macOS before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Desktop Client for Linux before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom VDI Host and Plugin before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Mobile App for Android before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Mobile App for iOS before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Rooms for iPad before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Rooms for Android before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Rooms for Windows before version 5.14.10
  • Zoom Rooms for macOS before version 5.14.10

Reported by Zoom Offensive Security Team.

Revision Date Description
1.0 08/08/2023

Initial Publication