Company News Reports

Zoom a Top App in Microsoft’s Azure AD App Gallery in 2020

Zoom was the top app by number of organizations among Microsoft Azure Active Directory app gallery customers in 2020, according to a report.
2 min read

Updated on September 29, 2022

Published on January 28, 2021

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Zoom was the No. 1 app by number of organizations among Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) app gallery customers in 2020, according to “The state of apps by Microsoft identity” report. The annual report analyzes enterprise cloud app usage and details third-party app trends and adoption within the Microsoft Azure AD app gallery, excluding Microsoft applications and services. 


Line graph showing top 15 apps by number of organizations


In a year massively disrupted by the COVID-19, it’s no surprise the report saw a large increase in the use of security and collaboration apps to enable remote work. Zoom made the jump from No. 10 in 2018 to claim the top spot in 2020 as many organizations turned to video communications to maintain business continuity during the pandemic. 


In addition to being the top app by number of organizations, Zoom was also one of the top apps by monthly active users (No. 5) and one of the fastest-growing apps by monthly active users (No. 3).


While Zoom is one of the most popular communication and collaboration solutions in the Microsoft Azure AD app gallery, the report found that Zoom’s popularity spanned all business sizes, from small to midmarket to enterprise.


Chart showing popular apps by business size


Additionally, Zoom was a staple across industries, with education, professional services, financial services, and government organizations being heavy adopters.


To enable Azure AD SSO and automated user provisioning integration with Zoom, check out the documentation from Microsoft. For more information on leveraging Zoom’s meeting, webinar, chat, and phone solutions in your organization, schedule a personalized demo with a product specialist today!

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