Company News

Zoom Opens Canadian Data Center

Exciting news for Zoom and our neighbors to the north: Zoom has opened a data center in Toronto, Canada! The data center is up and running, and we ...

Updated on June 25, 2020

Published on January 04, 2018

canadian data center
Exciting news for Zoom and our neighbors to the north: Zoom has opened a data center in Toronto, Canada!

What Does This Mean?

The data center is up and running, and we are in the process of enabling it for Canadian accounts over the next few months. Once the migration is complete, all Canadian participants will join via the Zoom Toronto data center for their Zoom cloud meetings. Participants not in Canada will still join from whichever data center is closest to their location. No one should notice any disruption in their service during this migration. If you would like to be prioritized in the migration, please contact your Zoom account representative or the Zoom support team.

Why did Zoom build a Canadian Data Center?

Zoom built a data center in Toronto to help our customers comply with Canadian privacy laws. Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) does not require organizations to keep all data (including the data created by video conferencing sessions) in Canada, but depending on the province in which a business is located, they could potentially be required to keep their data within Canadian borders. This is especially true for Canadian healthcare organizations. We at Zoom want to make sure that our customers comply with the law when they use our solutions, and a Canadian data center helps us do that. It’s of note that Zoom, just like any cloud services provider, is not PIPEDA certified. It’s also of note that we don’t store data from your meetings (except metadata such as meeting times and cloud recordings if you make them). But our Canadian data center does help Zoom and our customers stay in compliance.

The Not-So-Fine Print

For now, if the Toronto data center is ever down (which we work hard to make sure will never happen!), meeting traffic will be temporarily routed to the US. Additionally, some aspects of Canadian meetings, such as phone participants, polling, and live streaming still run in the US data centers for now. However, we are building a full Canada cluster of data centers so that in the near future all aspects of Zoom Canada meetings and failovers will stay in Canada data centers.

To Wrap Up

We are happy to provide this data center to our Canadian customers to help them stay compliant and connected. If you’d like to learn more about anything and everything Zoom, sign up for a 1-1 customized demo with a Zoom product specialist today!

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