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Video Conferencing Shouldn’t Be Your Kryptonite: How Zoom Elevates IT to Hero Status

Zoom is simple to use but solves a big communications challenge. Here's why IT managers all over the world become an IT admin hero when they deploy Zoom.
5 min read

Updated on March 07, 2023

Published on November 12, 2019

Deploy Zoom and Become an IT Admin Hero
Matt Torman
Matt Torman
Marketing Content Manager
Matt leads content marketing for Zoom.
Not all heroes wear capes, but that doesn’t mean they should go unrecognized. IT professionals in any organization, whether an IT director, manager, analyst, system and network administrator, or any other iteration, deserve ALL the recognition and kudos we can give them for all they do to simplify our daily lives. IT teams are the lifeblood of organizations today, handling all the behind-the-scenes legwork that makes the business go round. Whether its onboarding and setup for new employees, implementing the latest applications and security protocols, managing VoIP and video conferencing systems, or rescuing those locked out of these systems, they are the unsung heroes of the modern enterprise.  And we’ve seen a lot more of these professionals gain hero status lately because they’re using Zoom to solve one of the biggest workplace pain points — communications, specifically video conferencing.

Be an IT admin hero to end users and executives

IT departments get a ton of positive recognition after rolling out Zoom in their organizations because the intuitive, easy-to-use technology eliminates traditionally unreliable communications solutions and simplifies how business users go about their jobs. In deploying Zoom, IT as a department gains hero status because users are able to:
  • Increase productivity
  • Build deeper relationships with their customers and partners
  • Use a tool that works in any location, on any device, and in any network/bandwidth 

IT leadership gets the hero treatment as well because they’ve signed off on a technology that makes their C-level and VIP users more productive, deepens trust with employees, and maximizes uptime by keeping communication services operational. Additionally, choosing and deploying Zoom also vastly simplifies IT staffers’ own lives. Gone are the days of support tickets piling up and internal frustration with IT for long resolution times. The Zoom platform is so easy to use and it always “just works” that IT teams spend less time troubleshooting conference rooms and other video-related issues and more time delivering on valuable business projects.

IT and the Zoom difference

IT professionals are charged with deploying and managing the best technology solutions for almost every aspect of the business. But today’s IT teams aren’t just managing the implementation and management of these solutions; they must also manage the business side of IT, and that means providing support to various departments and internal stakeholders. Thus, the decisions IT teams make have a tangible, measurable impact on the day-to-day work and experience of every member of an organization. These choices, then, must empower users and give them the freedom and the resources they need to have an impact on business success.  Hamilton Gordon, WeWork’s senior manager of unified communications, presented on this very topic at Zoomtopia 2019, and he talked about some of the challenges facing IT teams on a daily basis and how Zoom’s video-first unified communications platform simplifies common IT pain points like deploying new solutions, saving money, and troubleshooting.

Efficiently deploying new solutions

For IT managers, implementing a new technology or solution usually requires new hardware and comes with a new set of headaches and issues. But Zoom’s ability to easily integrate with a wide range of devices, applications, and platforms makes it easy for IT managers to pivot to new technologies and transition from one solution to another more seamlessly.   “My current company is largely Cisco builds,” Gordon said. “And with Zoom Room Connector, it has been a great experience being able to keep that technology and not having to pivot immediately to new technology.”

Flexibility that saves money

Zoom’s robust digital framework makes it easy for IT managers to get creative in delivering cost-effective solutions. Gordon shared how Zoom’s dynamic design and hardware flexibility allowed him to solve the acoustic issues in his conference rooms for less. “We had a room that was highly sound-reflective, which caused audio issues,” he said. “But Zoom will auto-mix the sound for up to 16 microphones, which means it controls which microphone is open. It will automatically turn on the microphone that is capturing the most sound. So instead of buying our own sound mixing technology, we outfitted our rooms with a few $50 microphones. And that way, if our rooms get bigger, I can be highly modular with these microphones and build them in as needed.”

Troubleshooting and improved service delivery

Zoom gives IT managers the tools they need to quickly address any communications issues with Zoom Dashboard. Zoom Dashboard monitors each Zoom call and tracks important statistics, giving admins the information they need to drill into an issue and find out exactly what’s causing a specific problem. Zoom Dashboard also can alert users when devices aren’t working properly, which allows users to fix issues on their own without ever reaching out to the IT department.  “Zoom has monitoring built in natively. If one of your mics drops out, you’ll get a red exclamation point on the device and you’ll also get an alert on the back end through Zoom monitoring. And that works with USB peripherals as well because Zoom has built robust mechanisms around monitoring [those devices],” Gordon said.

Become an IT admin hero

Organizations more than ever leverage technology to drive productivity, enable employee collaboration, and deliver flexible communication to create a more agile workforce. And while perhaps visibly behind the scenes, IT is at the forefront of this exciting evolution. Successfully introducing reliable, cost-effective solutions into an organization are defining traits of successful IT managers, and no solution is able to elevate the status of your IT department more than Zoom. To borrow an industry catchphrase: No one gets fired for buying Zoom. It’s quite the opposite. When IT departments leverage Zoom to create a more agile, all-pistons-firing workforce while reducing their own workloads, they become the hero their organizations need. Watch the full “Become an IT Admin Hero” presentation from Zoomtopia 2019 here: There are so many other ways Zoom can have an impact, including consolidating VoIP phone and team chat communications onto a single platform. To learn more about how Zoom can uplevel your organization’s communications, simplify your life, and create a better business, schedule a personalized demo with a Zoom product specialist today. Demo request image

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