
5 reasons you should attend Zoomtopia 2023

3 min read

Updated on July 15, 2024

Published on September 12, 2023

5 reasons you should attend Zoomtopia 2023

We all need balance. Whether you’re trying to balance your workload and personal life, the time you spend at the office with the time you spend working remotely, or the desire to be productive with the need to care for yourself, achieving that equilibrium is essential. But let’s face it, with so much to juggle in today’s world, finding balance is not easy.

Zoomtopia 2023, our seventh annual customer conference, is all about bringing balance to your life. While you’re navigating things like choosing new AI tools or understanding the shifting landscape of modern work, we invite you to attend Zoomtopia to see how technology fits into it all and helps you create a more balanced approach.

So mark your calendars for Oct. 3 and 4 — we’ve got an amazing experience waiting for you no matter where you are. See why you should attend our biggest customer celebration of the year:

1. Experience a true hybrid event

In San Jose, we’re gathering in person to celebrate you, our customers and partners. And for our virtual attendees around the world, you’ll have access to keynotes and learning sessions with opportunities to engage with others through our Zoom Events platform.

Last year’s award-winning hybrid event experience was recognized by Event Marketer’s Ex Awards for its direct connection between in-person and virtual audiences. And you can expect more of the same this year — live reactions, real-time chats, questions, and social feeds will keep virtual attendees engaged during the live keynotes and breakouts.

2. Learn about our latest innovations

Zoomtopia is where you can learn about our latest and greatest: the products and solutions that’ll help you make meaningful connections and allow hybrid teams to collaborate better. Get a front-row seat as we announce how we’re innovating across our AI-powered platform, and how Zoom’s newest features and products can help you achieve better balance, more flexible work, and more delightful customer experiences. 

3. Get a glimpse into the future

Everyone wants to know what’s going to happen next with AI and our evolving ways of working. Our keynotes will dive into how we at Zoom are approaching modern work, and our thought leadership sessions featuring guest experts will focus on what we can expect in the near future, providing you with valuable insights to implement right now.

4. Hear from your peers

Our customer panels give you an exclusive look at what’s happening inside your industry — what challenges other companies are facing, what’s working, and what’s not. These conversations happening across healthcare, education, ecosystem, customer experience, employee experience, and AI will help you and your organization prepare for the future.

5. Celebrate with us

Lastly, Zoomtopia is all about you — the customers and partners that make Zoom what we are today. Our mission to deliver limitless human connection wouldn’t be possible without you using our platform to innovate, create, connect, communicate, and get work done, together. Across Zoomtopia, we’re celebrating your stories and everything you achieve with Zoom, culminating in our Celebration of Happiness concert exclusively for attendees, featuring the one and only Ludacris! 

Register today!

We can’t wait to see you at Zoomtopia! Visit zoomtopia.com to register to attend in person or virtually.

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